Would you like to start learning Polish, but you don’t know where to start? Start by checking your language level! Why is it so important?
KLUB DIALOGU Polish Language School for Foreigners teaches many levels. Learning for non-Slavic speakers starts from the A0 level. It is an important course that familiarises the student with the structure and specificity of the Polish language, the most important phrases and information that will be useful on the street, in a shop or in a restaurant. Due to the linguistic similarity, students from Ukraine, Belarus or Russia can start from A1 level.
The next stages of learning Polish are the levels: A1 (beginner), A2 (elementary), B1 (pre-intermediate), B2 (intermediate), C1 (advanced).
At the KLUB DIALOGU school, the learning process is divided into smaller units, known as modules, thanks to which the groups are homogeneous, i.e. students in a given group have very similar skills.
How does it look in practice? Each level (A1, A2, B1, B2) is divided into 5 modules (e.g.: A1.1, A1.2. A1.3, A1.4, A1.5). Learning in such a system becomes extremely effective, and students can notice significant progress. However, this means that a placement test is not only advisable, but also necessary. The result of the test gives a strong recommendation which Polish language course will best suit your skills. An additional conversation with the school methodologist will precisely outline the student’s strengths as well as areas for improvement.
Thanks to the defined program of learning Polish as a foreign language at the KLUB DIALOGU School, the student does not incur unnecessary costs or lose valuable time as a result of inadequate group placement. In addition, you can clearly define your learning goals and the timeline for implementing them.
We warmly invite you to KLUB DIALOGU!