Tell us your ‘Christmas story’ about the KLUB DIALOGU School
It can be a fairytale, it can be ‘science fiction’, but it can also be your story about this place.
It is important how you see KLUB DIALOGU when you close your eyes…
Your story can be in any form: a story, comic book, drawing, or poem
The sky is the limit!
You have time to submit your work in person to the School, or by email to: info@klubdialogu.pl
Until: 19.12.2024
In which language?: Polish (it can be very simple/comic book)
Main prize: 30% discount on a Polish language course or a KD sweatshirt
Prizes for winners: KD gadget (T-shirt, notebook, reflective band, bag)
And also: publication on the KD School BLOG and on FB/IG.
By taking part in the COMPETITION you agree to publication of your work, name, and nationality,
and if you agree – we will ask for your photo 😊
Any foreigner residing in Poland can take part in the competition.
Have fun!
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