international CHOIR
‘Singing in Polish’

Do you like to sign or hum to yourself?
Would you like to know the Polish language fluently?

Make your dreams come true and join our CHOIR ‘Śpiewająco po Polsku’

You don’t have to be a singer or know notes.

Your A0 level of Polish is also OK.

Don’t worry that performing is stressful – there is power in the choir!

fee: PLN 150 per month (to cover costs)

The first try is always free for you!

Singing in a choir only has benefits!

# for health – you learn to breathe properly

# for voice development – you improve your voice

# for language learning – you learn words and grammar forms faster

# for speech development – you will no longer have problems with phonetics

Additionally, thanks to participation in the choir:

# you will meet new friends

# you will take part in international competitions

# you will have a nice time with music

Don’t worry if you think you can’t sing – anyone can sing!

Don’t worry if you don’t know the notes – hardly anyone knows them!

Don’t worry about your A0 level – music is an international language!

Don’t worry if you’ve never sung in a choir – everyone started singing only in the shower!

Don’t worry that performing is stressful – there is strength in the choir!

Your intentions are important, don’t worry about the rest.

Therefore, do not delay!  Join KLUB DIALOGU’S CHOIR today!

Invite your friend or a family member.


We warmly invite you

Justyna – Conductor

Viola – the owner of KD and member of a Choir

Dorota – Director of KD and member of a Choir