
🙀Grammar. What about that Locative Case?

O tym piszemy:

Date: MAY 23 (FRIDAY)

Level: A1/A2

Dzisiaj jestem w górach, jutro będę na Mazurach!

(‘Today I am in the mountains, tomorrow I will be in Mazury!’)

During this grammar workshop, we will practice using the locative case,

talk about the most interesting places in Poland,

and write a postcard to friends from Warsaw.

Not only will we have a great time together,

but we will also review well-known grammatical structures!

‘Two birds with one stone!’ 😊

The workshop will take place on MAY 23 (FRIDAY)

At 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM at the KLUB DIALOGU SCHOOL

Invite your friends. Join us and learn with us!

Participation in the Free Workshops organized by KLUB DIALOGU School is voluntary. Taking part in the workshops is taken as consent of each Participant to publish on the School Media run by the School of their image recorded in photos and videos taken during the Workshop, as well as their name, country of origin and statements.

Check out a schedule of Free Workshops