Intensive Polish Language courses
in summer in Warsaw

Intensive Polish language courses in Warsaw combine creative and effective learning with great fun during cultural and entertainment meetings. Thanks to these events, you can get a taste of life in the capital of Poland and make new friends.

Book your place today and… fall in love with Polish!

We encourage you to fill in a free language competence test (CHECK YOUR LEVEL) to efficiently enroll in the appropriate class

TAKE A test

Discover our summer courses

Advantages of intensive Polish language courses in summer

With us, you will not only learn to communicate in Polish but also experience amazing moments discovering the culture and traditions of Poland

Flexible approach

It’s you who decides how many days of the course you want to attend. During the summer, intensive Polish lessons are held every day from Monday to Friday, but there is no problem if you join the course later or leave before its completion.

You never overpay

The fee is only for the declared number of days of the intensive Polish course in Warsaw that will be attended. Please take in mind, that there is no refund when the course starts.

You never get bored

Intensive Polish learning in summer allows you to gain freedom in efficient, daily communication. In-person classes in the classroom are enriched with fun and relaxation, going to a museum, park, or restaurant, and other outdoor practical activities.

Each lesson is a new adventure

Additional presentations, audio and video recordings, interactive games, and quizzes make students come back to us again and again.

Events and social meetings

It’s already a tradition in our School! Every year, during summer holidays, we organise special events for students, such as: kayaking, bowling, going out to experience ‘Warsaw by Night’, Chopin concerts, and many more. Check out our events!

Intensive Polish language courses in summer in Warsaw

Introduction to Polish (A0)

It`s an intensive Polish language course for beginners.
It is an extremely effective way of learning.

During the course, the student begins to talk about themselves and their interests, can order a meal in a restaurant, do shopping, or manage in public transport and at the airport.

These are excellent intensive Polish lessons for foreigners, that allow them to enjoy the summer charms of Warsaw.

This course is for you if you:

  • are a total beginner
  • would like to achieve a quick result
  • like learning in a group

Beginners (A1)

It`s an intensive Polish course in summer for foreigners who can already communicate in a simple way.

We constantly encourage you to speak and develop your language skills.
We also show that grammar does not have to be difficult at all, and new vocabulary will help you to deal with everyday matters. Intensive Polish learning gives very good and immediate effects that last longer.

This course is for you if you:

  • have a basic knowledge of Polish
  • can communicate in a simple way
  • want to develop communicative skills

Intermediate Conversations (A2)

The module includes a broad study program at the A2 level.
Polish lessons are interesting, creative, and provide a lot of information about Polish culture and tradition.

This intensive Polish course in Warsaw is designed for people who want to gain confidence in more fluent conversation. During classes, we discuss life topics, develop practical language habits, and use a variety of learning methods, such as: role-playing, field practice, as well as the use of newspapers, magazines, and presentations.

This course is for you if you:

  • want to gain confidence in speaking
  • want to understand the environment
  • want to develop language competences

During the intensive Polish language courses in summer, we will go to a museum together, have a lesson in a park, order in a restaurant, do some shopping, and talk to people on the street. Only practice makes perfect!

Schedule of intensive Polish language courses
in summer in Warsaw

Intensive Polish courses during the summer holidays last 3 weeks, from Monday to Friday,
3 hours each day with 15 minutes break.
Groups of 4 to 9 people.

Introduction to Polish

DaysHours of the courseDurationFee
Course 1 – 45h3h per dayMon – Fri09:30 AM -12:30 PM
Course 2 – 45h3h per dayMon – Fri09:30 AM -12:30 PM
Course 3 – 45h3h per dayMon – Fri09:30 AM -12:30 PM


We recommend checking your level before taking this course.
Complete the online placement test.

DaysHours of the courseDurationFee
Course 1 – 45h3h per dayMon – Fri09:30 AM -12:30 PM
Course 2 – 45h3h per dayMon – Fri09:30 AM -12:30 PM
Course 3 – 45h3h per dayMon – Fri09:30 AM -12:30 PM

Intermediate Conversations

We recommend checking your level before taking this course.
Complete the online placement test.

DaysHours of the courseDurationFee
Course 1 – 45h3h per dayMon – Fri09:30 AM -12:30 PM
Course 2 – 45h3h per dayMon – Fri09:30 AM -12:30 PM
Course 3 – 45h3h per dayMon – Fri09:30 AM -12:30 PM

The rules of intensive courses are simple

We care about the comfort of learning, therefore, the rules for organizing classes in our school are the following:

  • you may sign up for any number of days of the intensive summer classes. There is no problem to join the course later or leave before it ends.
  • Classes are held from Monday to Friday and last 3h a day (180 min.) with a 15-min. break.
  • To reserve a place on the intensive Polish classes, please pay PLN 300 in advance. 10 days before the start of the course, we will ask you to pay the rest. From then on, the advance payment is non-refundable.

If the number of students is less than 4, we anticipate some modifications during classes.

  • In the case of 3 people attending classes on a given day of the course, the School reserves the right to shorten the classes to 2 hours (120 minutes) with the same course fee.
  • In the case of 2 people attending classes on a given day of the course, the School reserves the right to shorten the classes to 1.5 hours (90 minutes) with the same course fee.
  • In the case of 1 person attending classes on a given day of the course, the School reserves the right to shorten the classes to 1 hour (60 minutes) at the same fee for the course.

Check our Summer Events 2024

We invite you to an outstanding 20th Anniversary Party

21 / 06 / 2024

Warszawa, ul. Kostki Potockiego 93

It`s an annual event. This year we will go by Pilica River. Sign up.

15 / 07 / 2024


Have fun and join us at the Bowling event.

08 / 08 / 2024

Warszawa, ul. Saska Kępa

Join us at the Night Market meeting

31 / 08 / 2024


Book your place today!

Select the appropriate level and dates of classes. Write to us at and make an advanced payment (PLN 300). That`s all. At KLUB DIALOGU School intensive Polish learning in summer is always so simple!

Advantages of the Polish language course “REVIEW A1”

For: people at level A1+ and the beginning of A2

Benefits for participants:

  • repetition and learning difficult Polish grammar issues that came up during learning at the A1 level
  • better start in learning at the next level
  • gaining skills in freely constructing sentences

Advantages of the course:

  • Flexible – the student chooses the number of classes he or she wants to participate in
  • Comprehensive – each lesson is a comprehensive and exhaustive discussion of given topics
  • Each lesson is a new adventure – additional presentations, interactive games, and quizzes ensure that students are never bored

Duration and Fees:

  • Day of the course: Mondays, 6 – 8 PM (2h)
  • Duration: 15.07 – 26.08 2024


  • The entire course (7 classes) – PLN 476
  • Selected classes (1-3 classes) – PLN 84/1 class
  • Selected classes (4-6 classes) – PLN74/1 class

Schedule and main topics of the classes:

Class (2h)Main topic of the classDay
Class 1Accusative15.07
Class 2Genitive22.07
Class 3Instrumental29.07
Class 4Locative / Prepositions05.08
Class 5Conjugation12.08
Class 6Past tense / Aspect19.08
Class 7Future tense26.08

Advantages of the Polish language course “REVIEW A2”

For: people on the A2+ level and the beginning of B1

Benefits for the participant:

  • Repetition and acquisition of difficult Polish grammar issues that came up during learning at A2 level
  • Better start in learning at the next level
  • Gaining skills in perfectly constructing sentences

Advantages of the course:

  • Flexible – the student chooses the number of classes he or she wants to participate in
  • Comprehensive – each lesson is a comprehensive and exhaustive discussion of given topics
  • Each lesson is a new adventure – additional presentations, interactive games, and quizzes ensure that students are never bored

Duration and Fees:

  • Day of the course: Tuesdays, 6 – 8 PM (2h)
  • Duration: 2.07 – 27.08


  • The entire course (9 classes – PLN 612
  • Selected classes (1-3 classes) – PLN 84/1 class
  • Selected classes (4-6 classes)– PLN 74/1 class

Schedule and main topics:

Class (2h)The main topicsDay
Class 1Genitive02.07
Class 2Instrumental / Dative09.07
Class 3Accusative16.07
Class 4Locative23.07
Class 5Nominative plural – masculine30.07
Class 6Gradation of adjectives and adverbs06.08
Class 7Perfect and imperfect Aspect – past tense13.08
Class 8Perfect and imperfect Aspect – future tense20.08
Class 9Conditional27.08

True learning starts here

Check the schedule of Polish language courses and join us
LevelCoruse TypeDaysHoursDurationPriceModule
A0 Survival PolishAT SCHOOLMon, Wed, Fri10:45 AM - 12:155.02 - 10.03769 zł30 lesson hours
A0 Survival PolishONLINETue, Thu6 - 7:30 PM21.01 - 11.03769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.1 — for beginners 1AT SCHOOL/ ONLINEMon, Wed5:15 - 6:45 PM27.01 - 17.03769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.1 — for beginners 1ONLINEMon, Wed5:15 - 6:45 PM17.02 - 7.04769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.1 — for beginners 1AT SCHOOL/ ONLINETue, Thu9 - 10:30 AM18.02 - 8.04769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.1 — for beginners 1AT SCHOOL/ ONLINETue, Thu5:15 - 6:45 PM4.03 - 22.04769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.1 — for beginners 1AT SCHOOL/ ONLINEMon, Wed7 — 8:30 PM17.03 - 7.05769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.1 — for beginners 1ONLINETue, Thu6:00 - 7:30 PM25.03 - 15.05769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.2 — for beginners 2AT SCHOOL/ ONLINEMon, Wed5:15 - 6:45 PM27.01 - 17.03769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.2 — for beginners 2ONLINEMon, Wed7 - 8:30 PM17.02 - 7.04769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.2 — for beginners 2AT SCHOOL/ ONLINETue, Thu7 - 8:30 PM4.03 - 22.04769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.2 — for beginners 2AT SCHOOL/ ONLINEMon, Wed5:15 - 6:45 PM24.03 - 14.05769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.3 — for beginners 3AT SCHOOL/ ONLINEMon, Wed, Fri9 - 10:30 AM24.01 - 28.02769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.3 — for beginners 3AT SCHOOL/ ONLINETue, Thu7 — 8.30 PM04.02 - 25.03769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.3 — for beginners 3AT SCHOOL/ ONLINEMon, Wed, Fri10:15 - 11:45PM17.02 - 21.03769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.3 — for beginners 3AT SCHOOL/ ONLINEMon, Wed5:15 - 6:45 PM24.03 - 14.05769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.4 — for beginners 4AT SCHOOL/ ONLINEMon, Wed5:15 — 6:45 PM20.01 - 10.03769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.4 — for beginners 4AT SCHOOL/ ONLINEMon, Wed, Fri9 - 10:30 AM3.03 - 4.04769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.4 — for beginners 4AT SCHOOL/ ONLINEMon, Wed, Fri10:45 AM-12:1531.03 - 7.05769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.4 — for beginners 4AT SCHOOL/ ONLINETue, Thu7 — 8.30 PM1.04 - 22.05769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.5 — for beginners 5AT SCHOOL / ONLINETue, Thu5:15 — 6:45 PM7.01 - 25.02769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.5 — for beginners 5AT SCHOOL / ONLINEMon, Wed, Fri9 - 10:30 AM26.02 - 31.03769 zł30 lesson hours
A1.5 — for beginners 5AT SCHOOL / ONLINEMon, Wed5:15 — 6:45 PM17.03 - 7.05769 zł30 lesson hours
A2.1 — pre-intermediate 1AT SCHOOL / ONLINEMon, Wed7 — 8:30 PM15.01 - 5.03769 zł30 lesson hours
A2.1 — pre-intermediate 1AT SCHOOL / ONLINETue, Thu5:15 — 6:45 PM4.03 - 22.04769 zł30 lesson hours
A2.1 — pre-intermediate 1AT SCHOOL / ONLINEMon, Wed, Fri9 - 10:30 AM7.04 - 14.05769 zł30 lesson hours
A2.2 — pre-intermediate 2AT SCHOOL / ONLINETue, Thu5:15 — 6:45 PM28.01 - 18.03769 zł30 lesson hours
A2.2 — pre-intermediate 2AT SCHOOL / ONLINEMon, Wed7 — 8:30 PM3.03 - 23.04769 zł30 lesson hours
A2.3 — pre-intermediate 3AT SCHOOL / ONLINETue, Thu7 — 8:30 PM28.01-18.03769 zł30 lesson hours
A2.3 — pre-intermediate 3AT SCHOOL / ONLINETue, Thu5:15 — 6:45 PM25.03 - 13.05769 zł30 lesson hours
A2.4 — pre-intermediate 4AT SCHOOL / ONLINETue, Thu5:15 — 6:45 PM14.01 - 4.03769 zł30 lesson hours
A2+ - Polski, to nie boliAT SCHOOL / ONLINETue, Thu5:15 — 6:45 PM28.01 - 18.03769 zł30 lesson hours
A2.5 — pre-intermediate 5AT SCHOOL / ONLINETue, Thu5:15 — 6:45 PM5.03 - 23.04769 zł30 lesson hours
A2.5 — pre-intermediate 5AT SCHOOL / ONLINEMon, Wed, Fri11 - 12:30 PM24.02-28.03769 zł30 lesson hours
B1.1 — intermediate 1ONLINE / W SZKOLETue, Thu17:15 — 18:4530.04 - 18.06769 zł30 lesson hours
B1.3 — intermediate 3ONLINE / W SZKOLEPon, Śr17:15 — 18:4527.01 - 17.03769 zł30 lesson hours
B1.5 — intermediate 5ONLINE / W SZKOLEPon, Śr19 — 20:3010.02 - 31.03769 zł30 lesson hours
B2 — advancedONLINE / W SZKOLEPon, Śr19 — 20:307.04 - 26.05769 zł30 lesson hours
Kurs do egzaminu TELC B1/B2ONLINEWt, Czw18 - 2013.02 - 25.03850 zł32 godziny lekcyjne
Kurs do egzaminu B1, na kwiecień 2025 (cz. 2)ONLINEWt, Czw17:30 — 19:007.01 — 20.02722 zł28 godziny lekcyjne
Kurs do egzaminu B1, na kwiecień 2025 (cz. 3)ONLINEWt, Czw17:30 — 19:0025.02 - 10.04722 zł28 godzin lekcyjnych
Kurs do egzaminu B1, na czerwiec 2025 (cz. 1)ONLINEPon, Śr19 - 20:3029.01 - 10.03619 zł24 godzin lekcyjnych
Kurs do egzaminu B1, na czerwiec 2025 (cz. 2)ONLINEPon, Śr19 - 20:3012.03 - 30.04722 zł28 godzin lekcyjnych
Kurs do egzaminu B1, na czerwiec 2025 (cz. 3)ONLINEPon, Śr19 - 20:305.05 - 18.06722 zł28 godzin lekcyjnych
Kurs do egzaminu B1, na listopad 2025 (cz. 1)ONLINEWt, Czw17:30 — 19:006.05 - 12.06619 zł24 godzin lekcyjnych
Kurs do egzaminu B1, na listopad 2025 (cz. 2)ONLINEWt, Czw17:30 — 19:0019.06 - 31.07619 zł24 godzin lekcyjnych
Kurs do egzaminu B1, na listopad 2025 (cz. 3)ONLINEWt, Czw17:30 — 19:0016.09 - 6.11826 zł32 godziny lekcyjne